Friday, January 6, 2012

Joe Manganiello On 'Magic Mike': Draining Bonds Are Forever

If you produce a male stripper movie that gathers Hollywood's hunkiest (Channing Tatum, Alex Pettyfer, Matthew McConaughey, Joe Manganiello, Matt Bomer, Adam Rodriguez), it will get plenty of...interest. When the conversation switched to Steven Soderbergh's 'Magic Mike,' through the L.A. premiere in the director's 'Haywire,' nobody made an appearance inside your ideas. Vulture spoken with 'True Blood' star Joe Manganiello, who passes Large Dick Richie inside the flick (sometimes these products just produces itself) about -- what else -- getting rid of it. "I wouldn't call myself a specialist dancer," Manganiello mentioned, "However will condition that whenever i came back to my trailer and shook my clothes off, there has been someone-dollar bills that fell out." And to date as the most effective stripper? "Oh, Channing, unquestionably. He's like on another level. Clearly, she's more experience," Manganiello mentioned, mentioning that 'Magic Mike' will depend on Tatum's pre-fame encounters just like a dancer. Runner-up he mentioned is 'In Time' actor Matt Bomer, a skill Manganiello credited to his musical theater background. While 'Magic Mike' has wrapped shooting, the draining movie has inspired a distinctive bond among the hubba hubba cast. "Usually when you're finished with projects, you promise to stay in contact with everyone, and you also don't. On that certain, everybody has, which all of us spend some time, which all of us consult with each other within a couple of days. Therefore we have glued." You know what happens meaning: follow-up! 'Magic Mike' hits theaters June 29, 2012. [via Vulture] [Photo: Getty] Follow Moviefone on Twitter Like Moviefone on Facebook

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