Friday, October 7, 2011

IMG Letter Removed Mike Ovitz From Board

Michael Ovitz And IMG World And Teddy Forstmanns Brain Cancer: The Particular Story, In Addition To What Ovitz Described Relating To This There will not be any formal announcement because IMG anxiously wants all the dangerous consult with quiet lower.And so the unsavory Michael Ovitz situation was handled in privatethis week getting a proper IMG letter eliminating him from owner Teddy Forstmann’s advisory board. (One insider notifies me that three other board individuals who backed Ovitz’s allegedtakeoverattempt were removed too. However haven't any additional confirmation so won’t enter detail.)Thus ignobly finishes another of Ovitz’s longest personal and professional associations after hewas billed with maneuveringto run and/or own the world management and production giantwhile 71-year-old Teddy fought against brain cancer.The accusations against Ovitz incorporated that hewas disturbing management by demanding IMG financial records pressuring leader/COO Mike Dolan and senior IMG professionals to account to him by attempting to setup a so-referred to as executive committee within the board to supervise IMG activities because of Forstmanns illness and treatment and approaching Forstmann, Little & Co partners and traders allowing them to know he was considering buying IMG while using backing of Greg OHara, the controlling director of just one Equity Partners LLC. Ovitz strenuously declined tome all the allegationsand was adament that running Teds customers are not something Im considering at this time around. My job is always to support my friend who's really sick.” However, with pals similar to this round the eve of Yom Yippur, who needs competitors?

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